10 remedies to get rid of headaches naturally

Are you among the 11 million Australians affected by headaches and migraines annually? This affliction has more than a physical toll—it costs over $35 billion yearly. But what if you could tackle these ailments more naturally and holistically?

At Optimal Wellness Chiropractic, we’ve been helping individuals break free from back and neck pain for over 20 years. We propose ten natural strategies for handling headaches and migraines. Consider heat for tension headaches—these often originate from neck muscle tightness extending to your skull. For migraines, the opposite can work: use a chilled or ice pack across your forehead or neck.

Self-massage can significantly alleviate various headaches, particularly sinus-related ones. As stress often triggers headaches, deep relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises or guided meditation, can prove highly effective.

Staying hydrated is crucial. Aim for 1.5-2 litres of water daily, more if you consume dehydrating beverages like coffee. Studies also show that magnesium can reduce migraine risks, so consider a high-quality supplement. Exercise, proper sleep, and essential oils like lavender and peppermint can also offer relief.

Lastly, chiropractic adjustments can help, especially as research reveals a neck component in tension and migraine headaches. Consider these natural alternatives before reaching for painkillers. For personalised assistance, get in touch with Optimal wellness Chiropractic today.