Are you constantly battling neck pain and persistent headaches? You may want to examine your workspace. In today’s era of home offices, suboptimal workstations are often the culprits behind such discomfort. I’m here to share four essential considerations to transform your work-from-home experience.
Monitor positioning: Align your eyes with the top of your screen and keep it within arm’s reach to reduce neck strain.
Chair dynamics: Adjust the back angle slightly under 90 degrees. Ensure your feet touch the ground, your forearms are parallel to your desk, and your knees are slightly below your hips.
Keyboard and Mouse: Position these directly in front of you with elbows at 90 degrees for optimal comfort.
Regular Movement: Stand up and stretch at least once every hour.
Remember, your health matters – in the workspace and beyond! Need more advice or considering chiropractic care for headaches? Call us at 9726 0098. Stay healthy!