Most patients erroneously treat sciatica as just a back problem, rather than a health problem impacted by other factors like inflammation and stress levels.
Research links stress with impaired healing abilities, thus managing stress is vital for a successful recovery from sciatica. This might involve changes in work schedules or even major life choices.
Furthermore, inflammation, ubiquitous in various health issues including sciatica, is significantly influenced by lifestyle choices, especially diet. Consuming natural, anti-inflammatory foods can considerably alleviate sciatica symptoms. The mantra to remember here is “eat foods from nature”.
In conclusion, long-term and fast relief from sciatica involves managing stress, decreasing inflammation, and improving spine function. The journey starts with 6-8 weeks of conservative care before considering surgical options. For one-on-one support, Optimal Wellness Chiropractic is always available to assist. Call 9726 0098 to schedule an appointment.